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A man who teaches the word of God, the word of truth that gives the people power… the power of love… the love of God! A man that not only hugs the sheep, but  touches the heart of his flock. The sheep know his voice and are blessed by his presence.


A man who teaches the medical benefits of  laughter, and the financial benefits of giving. A man whose singing brings light into dark places, and pierces the heart into conviction. A man whose smile actually means ‘I love you’.  A man whose eyes say  ‘I’m praying for you’. A man whose lesson from the pulpit make you jump up and say I can take on the world, bring it on. A man who everyone has heard of, most people know, who many people want,  but we have him! Because he chose to stay our shepherd…A man I(We) appreciate and love, and who I(We)  am proud to call ‘MY (Our) Founde of The United Pentecostal Churches of Christ Inc




Our church was founded and established in 1979 by Bishop E. Floyd Jr. and his industrious wife, Prophetess Armatha Floyd. The first building was Remell's Beauty Shop known as Clarkton Mission located at 1700 Farmers Union Road, Clarkton NC. In the early eighties, the first sanctuary was erected as the Pentecostal Church of Christ. Souls were save, filled with the Holy Ghost and were added to the church.

The membership grew and as a result the vision abounded. The Lord sent ministers, evangelist, elders, musicians, teachers for the perfecting of the saints. We experienced a wide variety of programs and activities at this location. We had Sunday School, Worship Services, Revivals, Vacation Bible School. Birthday Dinners, Luncheons Conventions and Fellowships.

​It seems that it became very apparent to our pastor our ministry had grown tremendously until we had inadequate parking and limited space for expansion. After what seem like years, the vision was made clear to our leader Bishop E. Floyd jr.

We were directed by divine mandate to erect a new building in a new location. God allowed us to build The United Pentecostal Church of Christ Inc, 778 Frank Baldwin Road, Whiteville, North Carolina.

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