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Our church was founded and established in 1979 by Bishop E. Floyd Jr. and his industrious wife, Prophetess Armatha Floyd. The first building was Remell's Beauty Shop known as Clarkton Mission located at 1700 Farmers Union Road, Clarkton NC. In the early eighties, the first sanctuary was erected as the Pentecostal Church of Christ. Souls were save, filled with the Holy Ghost and were added to the church.

The membership grew and as a result the vision abounded. The Lord sent ministers, evangelist, elders, musicians, teachers for the perfecting of the saints. We experienced a wide variety of programs and activities at this location. We had Sunday School, Worship Services, Revivals, Vacation Bible School. Birthday Dinners, Luncheons Conventions and Fellowships.


We were directed by divine mandate to erect a new building in a new location. God allowed us to build The United Pentecostal Church of Christ Inc, 778 Frank Baldwin Road, Whiteville, North Carolina.

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